Hillary Clinton Style

Bill Maher says that Hillary Clinton argues like a girl.

First, she cries. I just want to be happy. Why can't you just love me.

Then she goes to sweet talking. You're the best thing that happened to me. And you look so handsome in that tie.

And then they throw an anger fit, totally unrelated to everything.

And then they pull out the sarcasm.

To me, Hillary seems like Lucille Van Pelt, who pulls the ball away, just as Charlie Brown is about to kick it. Or of the girls her same age who poke a guy, painfully, and then cry, "You can't hit me, because I'm a guuuuuurrrrrrrrl. Nyah, nyah"

I admit, after seven more years of Bush, Clinton doesn't look nearly as bad, but we've had one family or the other as either President or Vice-President for 28 years now. I'm getting awfully exhausted....

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argue - Bill Maher - Hillary Clinton - sarcasm