* Jeff Miller
* Allison Krause
* William Schroeder
* Sandy Scheuer
Also in our thoughts: Joe Lewis, John Cleary, Tom Grace, Alan Canfora, Dean Kahler, Doug Wrentmore, Jim Russell, Bob Stamps, Don MacKenzie.
Wondering About OBL
I've always wondered if Osama Bin Laden was really the force behind the 9/11 attacks. They came up with his name so quickly, and there never has been any real explanation as to how they came up with his name. He was a former CIA employee, GHW Bush having formerly run the CIA, and a member of the Bin Laden family, who celebrated holidays with Dubya, calling him "Uncle George." The security contract on the World Trade Center expired the day before the attacks, and the company that lost the contract was Neil Bush's.
That doesn't mean OBL wasn't the bad guy he was made out to be. It simply means that nobody ever bothered to present the evidence against him, and so the possibility exists that he was just a scapegoat.
And now, we'll never know. There's a British newspaper that claims that OBL was killed years ago, and this operation was intended to put paid to the legend of OBL. Or maybe the stories are right, and we gunned down an unarmed man.
A Skeptic, Not A Denier
The official version of events may well be correct, but the principle of Occam's Razor - that the simplest explanation is the best - doesn't favor it over the conspiracy theory, and it should.
Oh, well.
It wasn't the fact that the government was stupid on May 4. Governments always do stupid things; all large organizations do. And small organizations, too, although they are less obvious to the general public.
Unintended Consequences
They ended student deferments, and went to a lottery system. A number of students with low lottery numbers opted to join the National Guard. They'd barely had any training at all when they were ordered to campus. Some say that an officer ordered his men to fire; others say that his hand motions were misinterpreted. In any case, kids emerging from buildings, not demonstrators, but simply kids rushing from one class to another, were shot, with four of them dying and another nine wounded.
Handing live ammunition to a rabble of untrained soldiers and expecting them to behave appropriately is stupid. They should have had shields and billy clubs. You can kill someone with a billy, but you're less likely to do so. More important, you're only likely to kill someone you're actually trying to attack. The four that died were hit by accident. They were in the background when the troops shot at someone else and missed.
They Deserved It
What shocked me was that nobody had compassion for the families of these victims. They shouldn't have been there, was the most common response I heard. Yeah? College costs a bundle. It costs as much to sit in a classroom as to have a mechanic work on your car. You don't want to skip your classes.
But the average person thought that when the National Guard hit town to protect them, that students should have abandoned their studies, forfeiting a semester's tuition, losing a year of their life instead of expecting that the government troops were there to protect well-behaved students.
I Didn't Know
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming; we're finally on our own. This summer, I hear the drumming....
I didn't know any of the dead students. I didn't know any of the wounded students. I knew a couple of the students who had joined the Guard. Bought them a beer. When you're in a group that kills multiple innocent and responsible kids, it takes a lot of beer to wash off the blood. Last time I talked to one of them, he said there were still blood stains on his soul.
Other Bloggers On Related Topics:
Allison Krause - CIA - conspiracy - Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young - Dubya - GHW Bush - Jeff Miller - National Guard - Occam's Razor - Osama Bin Laden - Sandy Scheuer - student protests - William Schroeder - World Trade Center
Interesting I read your "In
I read your "In Memory" piece and couldn't believe I hadn't heard that Allison Krause died. As soon as I read it I searched her name on the internet and realized that the Allison Krause you were talking about was a murdered student, and not the currently alive singer. I was born in the middle of 1958 so I would have been almost 12 when it happened, but I most confess, I have no memory of the incidents of which you speak. It amazes me that a day where the United States actually murdered it's own citizens is completely forgotten in 40 years. And I'm assuming it was forgotten about by just about everyone, because May 4th came and went and I heard no talk of it from anyone. Thanks, now you have me depressed, thinking of those young lives and what they may have accomplished had they lived.
You're Right
Yes. Allison Krause was a 19-year-old honors student from Kennedy High School in Maryland when she was shot and killed in 1970. The singer wasn't born until 18 months later.
You may remember hearing about a 1969 concert in New York State called "Woodstock". Biggest thing to come out of Woodstock was Crosby, Stills & Nash. They joined with Neil Young to put out an album called "Four Way Street" with a song about the Kent State Massacre. That "Tin soldiers" verse in my post is from their song Ohio (click link for YouTube).
The massacre happened on Monday; on Tuesday, it was primary election day in Ohio. Riots in the street and student protests were very much a campaign issue at that time, and the reason the Kent State massacre happened. The governor of California, a has-been actor named "Ronald Ray-guns" or something like that, said that protestors better not lie down in front of his car, or he'd drive right over them. Governor James Rhodes ended up accidentally doing what Reagan threatened to do.
Last year, there were some observations of the 40th anniversary. The news media isn't very big on 41st anniversaries....