Yesterday, Blondie was asking me what Osama Bin Laden's motivation was. I told her that he's a religious wacko, a fundamentalist, and such people are generally dangerous.
Last night, though, I found myself on a site where someone was talking about birth order. They were mostly talking about first-born, last-born, and middle child. Such studies have largely become obsolete in recent years, as couples have chosen to have one or zero children.
Osama was the 17th-born of 54 children. I think you'll find that there are very few emotionally-stable 17th-born children. Why, I doubt you will find even one child in a thousand that meets that description.
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birth order - Osama Bin Laden - religious fundamentalist
Bin Laden's Birth Order
17th of 54? I know families that have about 14 from my generation-but 17 around here would be the baby of the family. With that many, do you even get to spend time with your daddy? Does Daddy even know anything about you, or can spend more than a few minutes a week with you? In that situation, you are more likely to be raised by mom-or mom's brothers, if she has any. Now learning that, I'm not surprised that he had some megalomaniac tendencies. Desperate for attention would have been almost predictable-and with the lack of cultural or other abilities to get attention in a more positive way-show business was out of the question, politics was impossible-it turned destructive.
I remember you from when you hosted our websites when Craig died. Thanks to you, we all still have our sites without interruption. Back then, I didn't have a computer (didn't think I could afford one), and needed secure hosting. So losing my site would have meant losing everything completely-and I had already spent about five years hand-coding everything.
My site: still existing: Aquariusmoons' Eclectic Site
Glad To Hear From You
There were a half-dozen of us, but we all had the same mother. That wouldn't have been true for Bin Laden - and IIRC, a lot of his parenting came from aunts instead of from his mother.
I'm not sure it makes sense to blame the parents. We all get wounded, some of us pretty severely, before we're 30 or so, and in many cases, it's our siblings that do it. If Bin Laden was a loner, it'd be one thing, but he built an organization, which suggests he was fairly normal.
We have a tendency to run around like a bunch of chuckleheads, telling other people how to live their lives, when we don't understand what they're going through. I don't know that I'd say we deserved 9/11, but I believe that if you piss off someone long enough, you'll probably end up regretting it.
It seems like a lifetime since I've heard from you. You bring back many pleasant memories. Thanks for posting!