O Fay!

Fay Fay is the 2,277th most popular surname in the United States. The frequency is 006% and the percentile is 53.591. It is the 585th most popular female first name in the United States, with frequency is 0.021% and percentile is 76.442

And that's not counting this hurricane in the making, bearing the name of Fay, bearing down on Florida.

My first mother-in-law was named Fayetta, which is considerably less common. My sister's first mother-in-law was named Fayetta as well. Neither of us has ever heard of anyone else with that name, and I asked her what her mother-in-law was like.

"She could be a hurricane at times." When my youngest niece was a baby, Fayetta tried to have her suck the barbecue sauce off a rib bone, and my sister asked her not to do that. It wasn't the bone that bothered my sister, nor the mess, but our family is prone to allergies, and she didn't want to risk sensitizing the baby. After three times, asking her not to do that, Sis ended up pulling the baby out of Fayetta's arms and yelled at her.

My own mother-in-law was downright evil.

So with apologies to those who have Fey for a last name, and those who have Fay for a first name, I have bad premonitions about Fay the hurricane. There are at least five dead in Cuba, and she's building strength.

I guess you could say I'm fey about Fay.

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Fay - Fayetta - fey - hurricane


Now, it's 50

It's up to 50 now.

Please, please, please get out of the way. Fay is nobody to mess with.