About ten years ago, someone pointed out to me that half the web consisted of lists of links to lists of links. If you want to get traffic to your website, it might help if your website is actually worthwhile to readers. These days, half the web consists of pages telling you how to get traffic from searches for your site which offers nothing worthwhile to readers.
But what could be more useful to readers than pages on Oblate Parsnip Hegemony? Could it be the cure to all that ails the web?
Of course, if all you're after is a top ranking site, it helps to make your an oblate niche. If you write exclusively about parsnips, about planting parsnips, about harvesting parsnips, about boiling parsnips, and buttering parsnips, about salting parsnips, and eating parsnips, you'll probably have little competition except from seed catalogs and extension agents. But how many of them write of the hegemony of oblate parsnips?
If you choose your category carefully, and always stick to the topic on which you choose to make your niche, you will climb to the top of the results promptly.
You'd think there would be few pages showing up when you do a search on oblate parsnip hegemony but in fact, that big g-company comes up with 1100 pages of results. At present, none of them are from Canthook, but let's see where this page ends up in a couple of days.
My bet is that it will be at the top of the list - because there just so few pages on the web about oblate parsnip hegemony, and partly because I'm doing what those wretched pages tell you to do. I'd rather be honest than oblate, establishing parsnip hegemony forever.
If I could ever figure out what oblate parsnip hegemony is. If you figure it out, let me remind you, there are doctors for that kind of thing.
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hegemony - oblate - oblate hegemony - oblate parsnip - oblate parsnip hegemony - parsnip - parsnip hegemony
It took no time at all
We've captured both #1 and #2 positions in the most popular search engine.
Now, if we could just figure out how to get people to search for "oblate parsnip hegemony" - and figure out how to make money on that traffic - we'd be all set.