When The Donald Talks, Duck

We previously criticized the cable so-called-news channels for doing such a pathetic job of covering the events in Egypt. The Pew Charitable Trust people came up with this survey that says that viewers really don't give much of a hoot about what's happening there.

I don't know whether that's because of the events, or because of the coverage. One of the important factors in determining whether something is "news" is how much something affects you. That's why local news is news locally, but not news nationally - but we all know that a flea burping in New York, Washington, Atlanta or Los Angeles (where the broadcast news organizations are headquartered) gets more news coverage than 20 people dying in a small town in the Great Flyover.

The Donald Revelation

Donald Trump believes the stock market is booming because this could mean the end of OPEC. I'm not sure that's true. Egypt doesn't produce much oil. It does, however, control the Suez Canal. And it's holding the peace of the mid-east in its hands. If Egypt collapses, the mid-east might collapse into war. Or maybe it won't.

And if OPEC is destroyed, maybe the price of oil will collapse and maybe it won't. There's no OPEC of food commodities, and food prices have spiked recently.

Anyone who says they can see 10 years into the future is a liar or is deluded. That's fairly typical of the Donald. When it comes to the mideast, you can probably reduce that to one year.

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