Let The Terror Trials Begin!

In 2006, Zacarias Moussaoui (aka "the 20th hijacker") was tried, and convicted in a civil court in Virginia.

A jury convicted the four defendants in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing on March 4, 1994, in a New York federal court on all 38 counts against them.

So why do we think there's going to be a problem with trying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed in New York?

If New York becomes a magnet for terrorist activity - which didn't happen when other terrorists were on trial - the net effect is to make the other 49 states safer. Better the risk be borne by New York City than by people living in civilized parts of the US.

Civilian Courts Easier To Get Death Sentence

There was chagrin expressed that the Fort Hood shooter, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, would be tried in a court-martial, rather than civilian courts, because it is much easier to get a death sentence in civilian courts.

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was captured on March 1, 2003. He's already had what amounts to a "nearly seven year stay of execution" because we haven't bothered to give him a trial. Putting him on trial in New York gives New Yorkers the opportunity to face their attacker.

We have conducted 195 trials against terrorists. All but three have been in the civilian courts. We have obtained convictions in every trial conducted in civilian courts.

Federal Prisons

We have nearly 400 terrorists in the federal prison system, and fewer than 100 terrorists at Gitmo. The federal prison system appears to be up to the challenge.

The Geneva Conventions definition of a prisoner of war asserts that soldiers have uniforms and a flag. The terrorists don't meet that definition. Spies and saboteurs don't wear uniforms, and face civil, not military, trials.

The Bill of Rights

We are a civilized people, and the Bill of Rights is afforded to defendants because it protects our civility, not because we give a good goddamn about pedophiles, mass murderers, and other unsavory types.

A military trial grants greater dignity to the defendant, by treating him as a legitimate soldier on a legitimate military mission. I don't think that's a message we want to send to the world. These people, if they are guilty, are pond scum, a ragtag group of antisocial creeps, large-scale vandals and punks. I say "if they are guilty" because they haven't yet been convicted of any crime - but that is something that can be fixed. Let's get the lead out, and convict them, already.

There is a possibility that one or more of the terrorists may be found not guilty. I don't think it's likely, but one of our readers, living in NYC, suggested in email that he wouldn't have a problem with simply turning accused terrorists loose on the streets of New York City, with the plentiful publicity that would attend such an event. "If you think the spirit of Jack Ruby doesn't live in New York City, you're mistaken."

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