New Breast Cancer Screening Guidelines

New recommendations say that women under 50 shouldn't have routine mammograms before the age of fifty. It doesn't apply to everyone; if your family tends to develop breast cancer earlier than that, or you detect a lump, your doctor may want to give you one anyway.

It's not just a matter of rationing services. Only one mammogram in 1900 under the age of 50 reveals breast cancer. They believe that the radiation involved in routine mammograms may be causing more cancer than it detects. Because radiation is cumulative, they want to start later and have mammograms less frequently in order to avoid that.

They're also recommending that women stop doing self-examination of their breasts. Out of selfless concern for the health of women, however, we're offering to step in and examine women's breasts for them. Call for an appointment; if my wife answers the phone, hang up and call back later.

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