Our new president was called three different names during the inauguration ceremony, reports Fox News
An announcer welcomed Barack H. Obama to the Capitol's west steps. Chief Justice John Roberts administered the oath of office to Barack Hussein Obama, who repeated his full name. And the ceremony ended with the Rev. Joseph Lowery's benediction for Barack Obama.
Jon Stewart on the Daily Show pointed out that Fox was the only network (I presume he meant Fox News, of the major news channels) that didn't cover the inauguration. I'm told they covered the balls, however, and when Barack and Obama were dancing, a conservative commentator said "And we thought we were going to beat this with a 70-year-old guy?"
I don't think that was anything other than a commercial decision. Their target audience is less than enthused about the new president. And while it would be difficult for MSNBC, given their target audience, to do anything other than fawn over Obama, I'd have been inclined, had I been running Bloomberg or CNN, to only treat the inauguration as a major story, rather than offer wall-to-wall coverage. There were other things happening in the world - such as Wall Street falling out of bed again.
It's no secret that Rupert Murdoch, whose News Corp owns Fox News, supported Obama, and can't detests Bill O'Reilly. "Billo the Clown" stays because he puts money in News Corp coffers, and will leave as soon as that situation ends.
I'm glad Fox News observed that BHO was called three different names at the inauguration, since all three are respectful versions of his name. During the election, we all heard him called many other names, ones which were less acceptable in polite company.
And when we walked out with Bush43, there were boos.
During VietNam, I heard a story about a wounded soldier being visited by the surgeon who had worked on him the previous day. "You looked awfully familiar, so I looked it up; I patched you up a couple of months back. I'd think you'd have been more careful."
The soldier replied that it was very difficult to tell friend from foe, since all the Vietnamese look alike, and the Viet Cong don't wear uniforms.
"Oh, that's easy," the surgeon suggested. "When you're in a situation like that, you yell out 'To hell with Ho Chi Minh' and you can judge who you're dealing with by their response."
The soldier thought that a wonderful idea, and promised to put it into action, but before you know it, he was back in surgery again. "What happened?", asked the surgeon. "Didn't you do what I suggested?"
Yes I did, replied the solder. I yelled "To hell with Ho Chi Minh" and he yelled "To hell with LBJ". And while we were standing in the clearing, shaking hands, and clapping each other on the back, we were run over by a tank.
So I have to wonder. Were those Democrats who booed Bush43? Or were they staunch Republicans, who resented the condition in which Dubya left the country, and the GOP.
There's a story on The Daily Beast about the flight - dare we call it a rendition? - which took Dubya back to Texas. (Without the President aboard, it's not called Air Force One. Perhaps Air Head One?) It surely sounds like a great situation to be a "fly on the wall", and for once, we have a story. The pictures with this post all come from that story - and they have more, as well.
I've been saying for years that this country needs a good conservative president - and it appears that we finally have one. Real liberals will prefer to have one of their own, but won't complain much. I suspect the neo-libs, though, are going to be sorely disappointed.
That's OK. What's popular with the neo-cons and the neo-libs is bad for the country.
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Barack Obama - boos - Fox News - Ho Chi Minh - inauguration - Jon Stewart - LBJ
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